Simple text editors can be great for free flowing writing. Try it if you havn’t. You might be surprised.


There are times when all we need to do is write. Really crank out the text. (For me, that’s most of the day.) We don’t need distractions and we don’t need a bloated, expensive word processor with way too many features and way too slow a load time (I’m looking at you, Microsoft Word).

What we need is a minimalist, distraction-free word processor — and being the cheapskates that we are, we want it free.

Luckily, there are a number of great alternatives. I personally use several of these, depending on where I am and what I need to do (Google Docs, AbiWord, and DarkRoom are my poisons of choice), and I’ve used all the others, and I can attest that they are speedy and very productive. They do what you need to do — just write — and they do it well.

If you don’t need a million…

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